Nova Techset – Products and Solutions

Our advanced technology, coupled with a commitment to uncompromising quality, ensures that our clients receive the most efficient and accurate solutions. We provide flexible services based on industry standards, adapting to the unique requirements of each client.

Whether it’s our robust editorial services, precision-driven composition solutions or customized technology implementations, Nova Techset is dedicated to delivering excellence at every stage of the publishing process. With a focus on innovation, reliability and client satisfaction, we take pride in being a trusted partner for publishers worldwide.



It is an XML editor designed to empower authors by allowing them to incorporate corrections themselves. This intuitive interface ensures that authors can carry out and view their corrections in real time and effortlessly generate a PDF as a typeset proof.


SesameTM stands as an innovative virtual project management system seamlessly hosted on the Cloud. Serving as a unified hub, Sesame consolidates the realms of production, distribution, tracking, and reporting, bringing them together under one comprehensive umbrella.


In the increasingly automation-dependent publishing world, authors often grapple with the challenge of navigating across tech-savvy platforms.